الأحد، 22 مايو 2016

Depressive illness and not a weakness

Depressive illness and not a weakness

Misconceptions about depression and how to cure:A) all related ideas in your head spin, if you want to come out of this situation will go out - not true!That depression is a disease of the whole disease. It affects the whole body, as well as the brain. Just as "The decision to get out of the situation" will not lead to a cure for pneumonia, for example, so it is for depression. In addition there is of extreme importance to the disposal of the man who is suffering from pneumonia, as well as who suffers from depression, without a doubt, the person can help himself.B) depression is reflected in a bad mood and anxiety only - not true!Most of the wounded who suffer from depression report their physical symptoms and pain as well as psychological symptoms.
C) drugs lead to addiction - is not true!Antidepressant medications are not addictive. In spite of this it is advisable to stop drug abuse gradually,
After consulting with your physician.D) if it began to abuse drugs will not stop - not true!No problem to stop the drug antidepressant use. With this, the depression is amenable to the emergence of diseaseAgain, so in certain cases continually therapy recommended for long-term period of time, according to the physician's instructions.E) depression is a disease of the weak - is not true!Several leading figures are known and which are still in the memory of human history, suffered from depression and they were not people who are weak.
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